The Big World of Big Data II

June 24, 2017 Shashank Mehrotra 3113 Views
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In the previous post, we had discussed about what Big Data really is. If you haven’t read it yet, read it here. In this post, we would dig deeper into the world of Big Data with various solutions for making sense of Big Data.

While there are a lot of solutions in the market for handling data, some of our favorite popular Big Data products are:

Hadoop: This is a name which largely represents Big Data to most who know even a little bit about Big Data. Hadoop is an open-source framework used for storing very large data sets in a distributed fashion on large clusters of computers. This enables scaling of data without worrying about hardware limitations. It provides colossal amounts of storage for all kinds of data, with extensive processing power and an ability to handle almost limitless amounts of concurrent jobs or tasks. It is difficult for beginners to work on Hadoop since to harness its true power, we need an excellent command on JAVA. It might seem daunting in the beginning but it is worth the efforts since a lot of companies and technologies thrive on it, either by directly using it or by integrating with it.

Cloudera: Cloudera has effectively become the face of Hadoop, with additional services supporting the architecture. The services Cloudera provides helps businesses in building enterprise data hubs, allowing people in the organizations to access the data you have stored in a better way.The best part of Cloudera is that it is completely open source, hence every organisation can afford if it has the right resources, i.e., processing power and skilled programmers who can work on it. It also gives you a certain amount of data security, which is very critical when you store sensitive data.

MongoDB: MongoDB is a modern approach to databases. We could think of MongoDB as an alternative to existing relational database systems. It is good for managing the kind of data that changes fairly frequently or the kind of data that is semi-structured or unstructured. Like in the case of Hadoop, beginners would find it difficult to use MongoDB since they would need to know how to make queries using programming languages.

But all of these options need data, and data comes from various sources such as mobile apps, websites, and wearable apps. To give you the much required data which would help you find trends in the data which would be needed for more productivity. We, at BrainMobi, develop apps and websites for your data to roll in. We use Google and Amazon Web Services for your servers to give you an easier and more secure access to your data which can be directly integrated with your Big Data product. Our ace team of top mobile app developers know exactly how to make a mobile app which would have the maximum audience retention so that you have maximum data to work upon. Our innovative team of the best website developers develop websites which are lightweight and attract more audience. Our team of top wearable app developers ensure immersive experiences to the users so that they keep coming back, thus generating the required data. Contact us at to know more about our services.

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danielcraig Shashank was the Co-founder of BrainMobi and was working as IT Business Analyst, leading the Marketing and Business Analysis division along with Operations at BrainMobi. Shashank loves to write about emerging technologies, mobile innovation, user experience and the way it shapes our world so that users can access the best tips in mobile app development.