How To Effectively Use UI For Your Mobile Apps?

March 12, 2019 Sukhbeer Maurya 3421 Views
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The look and feel of your mobile application plays a more crucial role in terms of sales and increasing downloads. It describes the the visual quotient of your app and in many cases proves to be a better factor for engagement then the overall USP or technology behind it. When aiming towards the general populous, your applications look is what communicates the personality to those who are not that tech savy or acquainted with the tech outputs of a particular application.

Nevertheless, any top mobile app development company in USA, should also be able to give you UI/UX solutions pertaining to the business purposes of your applications and assist to overall growth. Let us check a few principles in regard to UI we give close attention to and has helped our clients during our endeavours in mobile and web application.

Native Look Preserved For Each Platform

While hybrid and cross platform development at its best is the most apt solution in terms of gaining business growth, this should not let you discourage from the fact that the UI is compromised for the particular platforms. iOS applications and Android differ a great deal in terms of UI and it is important to bring out the best features out of both platforms.

With the kind of development abilities on the desk it is possible to bring out unique features of each platform without compromising much with the development routines. Enhanced development solutions with Flutter enable custom UI development routines within the same codebase and this does not compromise with the native UI characteristics of each platform.

Style And Minimalism

Advertising and maintaining a proper marketing channels should be a priority for each application keeping in mind the monetization principles behind an application. A skilled and experienced UX designer should be able to bring out the best functionalities for an application without creating much of a clutter and yet not compromising with the primary principles behind the application.

Once you are able to achieve this, then you are able to generate a good number of users following which you are able to incorporate advertisements within your application in a sophisticated and organized manner. All of this is owed to the artistic credibility in combination with knowledge of the most updated tools.

Voice UI

Best of its kind UI/UX is one important reason that caused Blackberry to step down as the best selling product and let Apple smartphones take that position. Any revolution that beats the current trends will cause a sharp shift in trends and leave app developers in quest for the latest sophistication.

While technology has a huge role to play in this segment but considering the progress, we shall soon see a trend where UI/UX has more minimality in the visual front. Voice assistants will dominate a greater part of all your applications. They are aimed at relieving your mobile phones free from hand/eye coordination and focus more on your ears and voice. This will make your applications more proactive and help reduce decision fatigue better than ever.

Purposeful Animation

Adding animation into your applications increases your engagement factor to a great deal and easily gives a staunch personality to your application. Applications hesitate from incorporating this and isn’t much required in basic service applications. This is because it might cause your applications to slow down and cause a compromise with your primary purposes.

Having said that, any animation incorporated within the UI is always a symbol of confidence on the part of the web development process and besides having a funky look you can take that as a token of assured quality. Any experience delivery application or be it a online marketplace for a particular brand communicates its intended essence using such out of the box factors.

Improved Colours , Gradient And Blaze

Mobile Applications in these days are able to deliver a fantastic rendition of colors which are now visible as wallpaper trends on any modern smartphone. In a way it is the definition of modern hardware and anything less than that might give a non progressive impression to your applications.

Gradient 2.0 is very subtle and simple and gives a UI designer a good deal of independence when it comes to delivering aesthetic impressions through depth and dimension. Such effects have been proved significant when it comes to increasing sales for entertainment and in specific music applications. It surely the trend that defines the present and is a must have if you are looking to catch up with the current trends.

As one of the top flutter app development company in USA, we at BrainMobi leave no stone unturned when it comes to being a definition of the current market trends. Our development routines combined with knowledge of the proper understanding of latest platforms like Flutter help us bring out the best UI feels to the native standards of an Android or an iOS.

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sukhbeer As Head of Android at BrainMobi, I look forward towards the quick execution of all Android Projects and ensuring it's being channelized in the correct direction of progress. I believe it is my duty to outline the smartest and most efficient approach towards the execution of a project by distributing it in a way that it meets the best service my team has to offer